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Sapelo ...

Sapelo ...

... is a state-protected barrier island located in Georgia roughly halfway between Savannah and Jacksonville. There is a rarely-used state airstrip on the island, and residents and visitors almost always access the island on foot via a State of Georgia passenger ferry -- a seven mile/20 minute trip.

Approximately 97 percent of the island is owned by the state of Georgia and is managed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources; the remainder is under private ownership.

Many of the full-time inhabitants of the Hog Hammock Community located on Sapelo Island are African Americans known as Gullah Geechee, descendants of enslaved West African people brought to the island in the 1700s and 1800s to work on island plantations.

Sapelo residents must bring all supplies from the mainland via the ferry or purchase them in the small store on the island. The children of Hog Hammock take the ferry to the mainland and then take a bus to school.


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